After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
Data On Usage
California Healthy Kids Survey
The Healthy Kids Survey is the largest, most comprehensive effort in the nation to assess students at the local level on a regular basis (every other year) and provide key data on topics including student health and well-being. All public high school students in California take the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) on an anonymous basis.
Section 6 specifically covers Alcohol and Other Drugs and Section 7 is on Tobacco Use. Module Z questions at the end of the report cover questions on alcohol and other drug use as well. Model Z questions have been customized for the school districts.
The bottom line? Rates for alcohol and other drug use at Marin County schools are consistently well above state averages and are among the highest in California. The Tamalpais Union HS District's (TUHSD) rates are consistently the highest in Marin County. For a breakdown of the rates for the three comprehensive high schools in the TUHSD (Redwood, Tam and Drake), see below. The most recent results are for the 2017-18 school year.
Links to School-Specific Results
Redwood High School 2017-18: Click Here
Tam High School 2017-18: Click Here
Sir Francis Drake High School 2017-18: Click Here
Tamalpais Union High School District (aggregate data for all 3 high schools) for 2017-18: Click Here
Marin County for 2017-18:
Click Here -
California Statewide Results for
2015-17: Click Here​​