After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
Parent Ed Videos
Overview of the Be The Influence Program
Presented by our Founder,
Laurie Phillips Dubin.
Prescription Drugs and Your Teen
This video brought to you by the DPS SubstanceUse Prevention Program, Rise Above Colorado and Denver Partnership for YOUth Success.
Surprising Truths About Legalizing Cannabis
This program held in Marin County in April 2018, featured Ben Cort of Colorado, an advocate for marijuana policy, addiction, prevention and recovery and author of the book "Weed, Inc.", who discussed Colorado's experiences with the marijuana industry since legalization.
Marijuana is legal. Now What?
This program held in Marin County, California in November 2017 covered the effects of marijuana legalization on adolescents and what parents can do about marijuana use. The panel included Dr. Matt Willis, Marin County's Public Health Officer, Dr. Michael Genovese, an addiction expert, Captain Hamid Khalili from the Central Marin Policy Authority and Don Carney, Director of the YMCA Marin Youth Court.
Today's Marijuana and What You Need to Know
This presentation from October 2016
features Dr. Jennifer Golick, LMFT of
Muir Wood Adolescent & Family Services in Northern California is worth viewing. Muir Wood treats a significant number of teens diagnosed with Cannabis Use Disorder. Tragically, Jennifer was killed in March 2018 by a veteran in the Yountville, California hostage situation. We will miss her and honor her work with both teens, young adults and veterans over the years.
Stress, Anxiety, Pressure & the Relationship with Substance Use
This highly informative panel discussion in January 2016 with Tamalpais Union High School District Detective/School Resource Officer Scott McKenna, Wellness Center Director Jessica Colvin and others was
one of the best programs ever!
How to Communicate with Your Teen About Healthy
​Sexual Decision Making
This presentation was like a walking advertisement for Be the Influence!
Just Say Know: Uppers, Downers and All Arounders
What’s the difference between an upper and a downer? Is eating marijuana safer than smoking it? In this talk, you will get a general overview of how drugs are classified in terms of the effect they have on the central nervous system.
Jen Epstein will present commonly used drugs as well as explore the levels of drug use kids might be participating in. The information will not being presented to scare you, but rather to inform you so you can have reliable information that will enable you to have informed conversations with your kids about drugs.