After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
After joining BTI, parents should consistently take the simple steps outlined in the BTI Parent Pledge and also take the following measures​​:
Additional Resources
National Organizations
Bay Area
A campaign to help teens stand up to negative pressures, or influences.
The mission of Drug Free America is to reduce teen substance abuse and support families impacted by addiction.
This group was organized for the purpose of providing awareness and education to teenagers, their parents, and community members about all facets of responsible driving, with the goal of reducing the number of injuries and deaths suffered by teens as a result of distracted driving and poor decision making.
A resource for parents, teachers, and students with continually updated Drug Facts.
A Guide on Talking to your Kids about Alcohol.
NIDA for Teens is organized to offer students a range of educational experiences as they learn facts about drugs and neuroscience, and to support educators and parents as they facilitate student learning.
SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana)
A non-profit organization which works to bridge the gap between the public’s understanding of marijuana and science’s understanding of marijuana.
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services)
an underage drinking prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol.
Local Resources
Check out My Kid Smokes Pot...Now What? blog by a Redwood Parent.
"Follow" our Facebook page HERE. ​
Huckleberry Youth Programs. For more information about this San Rafael organization, which offers alcohol, marijuana and other drug counseling, visit
The Tam District Wellness Centers partner with Huckleberry Youth Programs in San Rafael to offer drug counseling on campus. For more information go to
Muir Wood Adolescent and Family Services. For more information about this local program, go to
Marin YMCA Youth Court Programs.Director Don Carney runs a program entitled “Skills for Managing the Risk Taking Years”. For a small donation to the Marin Youth Court, all Marin County teens are eligible attending the four-day Alcohol & Drug Prevention Safety Skills Training workshops. For more information, visit
Tips for Parents: Helping Parents Prevent Teen Alcohol and Drug Use​​
Redwood Bark Opinion Piece on Parental Drinking: Parental drinking inadvertently influences teenagers by Lucy Tantum on October 10, 2014: "If Marin youth are to grow up with a proper understanding of the effects of alcohol and the implications of excessive drinking, then they should be able to look to their parents for guidance—and parents should know that when they’re under the influence, their children can be influenced too."
Recommended Reads
Read Recommended Books. Here are our recommended books for the Fall:
Alcohol: What's a Parent to Believe? by Stephen G. Biddulph and Marijuana: What's a Parent to Believe? by Timmen Cermak, MD, contain valuable information about the effects of alcohol and marijuana on the developing teen brain.
Reefer Sanity: Seven Great Myths about Marijuana by Kevin Sabet, Ph.D is relevant to the debate about legalization.
How to Raise a Drug Free Kid - The Straight Dope for Parents by Joseph Califano urges parents to advocate for "drug-free" versus "drug infested" schools. ​
Getting to Calm by Laura Kastner (Chapter 13 is entitled "When You Catch Your Teen Drinking or Smoking") offers excellent preventative and "in the moment" advice beyond the "just say no" and "you're grounded!" approach. Pages 233-243 feature different scenarios and strategies, depending on your teen's age, as well as practical tips how to parent effectively and as a team.​​
Where's the Party by Jonathan Scott and Kelly Townsend contains excellent practical information on the teen party scene.